Nature is a very strange place to be in. Sometimes we see some creatures fighting and next thing we know is we see new videos on internet where the same animals are helping each other. This is a strange things about the wild and it is very good in many ways.
A similar kind of a shocking is going v!r@l on the internet. The video was uploaded on YouTube and has been viewed more than a million times.
The video starts with a impala being c@ught by a leopard. The leopard is biting the impala by it’s mouth. The impala look de@d and the leopard on the other hand is proudly claiming it’s prize. But the scenario changes when baboons starts to jump into the scene. It might looks very normal but it gets abnormal when the baboons tries to chase the leopard away. The leopard tries to defend the prize at first but later runs away.
As the leopard runs away another predators come over who have their eye on the impala. A group of hyenas try to go near the impala but the baboons this time to try to chase them away. Both the leopard and hyenas run away.
Later the lifeless impala suddenly starts to breathe and gets up. It starts to shake vi*gorously. it later stands up heavily and runs away. The video had been captured by people during safari. The video is phenomenal and is gaining a lot of views on YouTube.
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