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Disease of kidney:
There is increment of the kidney disease and kidney failure case is mostly seen in the world. In the world among 10, 1 person is effected in some way with the chronic kidney disease. Every year around 1,50,000 people come with the kidney disease, where they needs dialysis or transplant of kidney must be done. Some of our habits is responsible for this case so lets see the habits that effects kidney.
Importance Of Kidney:
Kidney extract waste from blood, balance body fluids, form urine, and aid in other important functions of the body. They reside against the back muscles in the upper abdominal cavity. They sit opposite each other on either side of the spine.If the kidney doesn’t function properly the blood doesn’t get purified and health gets worst.
The level of water:
Kidney gets effected if the body doesn’t get the proper amount of water. Lack of water effects the kidney and the urinary tract. Due to which urinary tract might stop the urine to pass out which is very risky. Kidney stone is also caused due to lack of water. So we need to drink 2 to 3 liter water per day.
The use of smoke and tobacco:
The use of tobacco and smoke is also the risk factor of the kidney disease, not only this but due to it it may cause the disease named atherosclerosis which effects the blood nerves and the transmission of blood gets slow and the functioning of it also gets slow. Due to which don’t adopt this behavior.
Urine in the early morning:
In the whole night the urinary bladder is filled with the urine so early morning the bladder should be empty. But due to laziness people stops it inside due to which later they cost more with the kidney infections.
The proportion of salt:
This is true that the salt makes our dishes tastier but if its used in more amount it will have negative influence. The salt that we eat on the medium of food, 95% sodium gets metabolized. So due to this unnecessary amount of salt is dangerous.
Neglect about the high B.P:
The neglect of the pressure and on it’s treatment is the major reason for the kidney problem. Due to this on time you need to measure the B.P and prevent the condition of getting your kidney effected as this is the second big reason for the damage of kidney.
Careless by the Sugar patient:
30% of the patient who is suffered from diabetes will have the problem of kidney and the kidney infected patient around 1/3 will be suffered from diabetes. This is proved that this two disease relates with each other. So the level of sugar on the body should be maintained also the diets should be maintained properly.
The use of extreme painkiller:
Without the prescription of doctor the medicine shouldn’t be used. The extreme use of painkiller without consulting doctor is harmful for the kidney. The varieties of painkiller and the extreme use of it will harm the kidney or it may damage it in all way. Other harmful habits To harm the kidney there are many other factors like drinking more alcohol, no proper rest, drinking more soft drinks and soda, to tolerate the hunger or to eat the unhealthy food. not treating the hypertension, eating more meat, this habits might harm the kidney in any way.
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